Swisher Sweetie, and the Truth about Swisher Sweets, and how they destroyed my life! Time for them to do something right and help me save my childrens lives!

All my life people have told me to keep quiet. My children real people with lives and futures. Our story deserves to be heard. I along with my sister and a brother were casualaties resulting from a stronghold the state of florida had over one man. Herbert Holcomb Swisher made a deal with my mother, to marry her and help him get custody of his son Carl Franklin Swisher from the State of Florida.Now the State has a stronghold against me and are holding my children hostage.

The Birds show the number of souls that have passed this way...

Tampa, Florida, United States
Notice to the State of Florida Release my children back to me. You have 5 years till they all age out, you won't win because my bond with my daughters is stronger than any force you can use to break what I have spent their lifetime building.

Donate Today and save these children from the clutches of the State of Florida!

1968 - Born, May 20, In the Wonderful State of Florida

1971-1972, I was molested for the first time by Herbert Holcomb Swisher 11, Heir to Swisher Sweet Cigars. This would last till I was 15 and during this time I experienced things that will shock the readers of this blog.

1976 in just third grade, (hoke) would take a puppy I had named brownie to my school, then come to me to tell me what he had done. He then told me that if anyone asked if that was my dog that he would kill me if I told them it was. This dog found me the next day and followed me everywhere. Several days of my denying the dog, I am told by my teacher after the dog walked into the open door during class and walked right up to me to take it to the office and tell them that this strange dog is following me everywhere. I leave the class, crying begging the dog to run away as I head to the office to do as I was told. I was sent back to class and a day or so later when I was in the lunch room, my puppy comes in right up to me. Everyone freaked and the school custodian Roosevelt Triplet came in with a rope and put it around the dogs neck and carried my puppy out the door swinging from the end of the rope. The dog had mange, and later when I would ask him what he done with the dog, he told me he killed it. He would become the target of my rage for in my youth he had become the enemy. Later I would attack this man who would just laugh as I cussed him, kicked him, pulled his hair, called him names as he carries me back to school over his shoulder after chasing me as I ran from a teacher and insisted I was going home. Mr Triplet was a pastor who ran a small church in Wakulla County, Fl

1985 - My brother took myself and my sister to the police station to turn (Hoke) in for his crimes against us. Our story would be the first story of it's kind to be posted in the small town news paper in Wakulla County Florida.

1989 - Feb 25th I married Samuel Doyle Toole, a man who was 9 years older than me and who once faced a 60 year prison sentence. Once his sentence was run current he walked out of prison after serving 7 years day for day of his 60 year sentence. He had a good heart, was great to his children. When we started having children, I had to stop him from bringing homeless people home for dinner. He would then come home, ask me to make a doggy bag and take food back out to them.

1991 Aug first daughter was born.

1992 Aug, second daughter was born.

1995 Feb, husband has accident that leaves him with TBI.. He never recovered and spent the remainder of his life in a health care facility.

1995 June, third daughter was born.

* Worked with M&M Transit transporting incompasitated passangers from nursing homes, to doctors appointments and home from hospitals after an extended stay. I ran a stretcher van, equipted to haul 2 stretchers side by side in the back. This job had me going in and out of nursing homes in several counties during a time when I needed to find one to place my husband into. The hospital tried to dump him in every slum possible but I managed to stand my ground and eventually had him placed at River Chase Care Center. It would later be told to my children by my sister that I put him in a slum. I knew it was one of the nicest places I went into and after checking the homes ratings still feel that even though a simple decision of where I placed my husband was used to try to turn my kids against me, I stand covicted that he was in a place where his daily needs were being met. It was not a state run home.

1995 November, 11 I was arrested for battery for hitting a man with a boat oar, who jumped my fence and frightened my children. My mistake was being honest with the officer when asked who hit first. I told him I did but was so upset at the time did not get time to explain the man jumped the fence, dropped his cup of booze in my yard and was running at me when I swung on him. After 55 days in jail I finally got a bond hearing and was offered a plea to walk that day. I took a plea because with a new baby at home and a husband in coma this case was the least important thing on my agenda.

2000 June became a widow, when husband passed from pneumonia from complications of long term TBI.

2001 Jan, 6th, completed one year of house arrest and completed the terms of my probation successfully.

2001 April I packed up the kids and the cats and moved to Tampa Bay.

2003 April, the State of Florida steals my children from school during a hard time when they should have helped me, their way was to take the only reasons I had to live for.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

How foolish they are...

I will be posting the stories of my other 2 children over the next few days, but today I thought I would enlighten folks on just how dumb I feel the state is.

For the past 3 years my daughters have been in relative care with my sister. During this time I have had unlimited unsupervised visitation with them. I have had them almost every weekend and spent so much time during the summer. Been to school functions and have taken advantage of every opportunity given to me to spend with my daughters, shopping, taking them for make overs, taking them to lunch and trying to be their mother under the most difficult circumstances.

Right now visitation is restricted again to 2 hours a month due to the vicious allegations from Christina Deann Pino who decided after she could not get me fired from my job, or get me kicked out of my apartment and after harassing my co workers and my neighbors made another attack on my children. This only hurts my family and the State of Florida allows themselves to be used as weapons against Florida's children. HEY Christina thanks you dumb loser. I hope you die a painful death one day for this one. Anyhow I just had to say that because I would personally like to kill her myself but a life of prison would do my kids no good so all I can do is hope for the worst to happen to her.

For those of you who would hate me for saying this, walk a mile in my shoes and have the State take your kids and you will feel the same rage I do over how easy it is for someone to make accusations against your parenting, forcing you to have to prove yourself to people who get up and work a 9 to 5 for the purpose of paying their own bills and more often than not don't even have kids of their own. They don't have a real understanding of just how tough life is without strangers coming into your world to say that you are just not good enough to be a mother. It would indeed make you angry. If you get too angry they recommend you go to counseling. If you are not angry enough, then you clearly do not care for your kids and must prove that you do. Where is the middle ground? I am angry enough to wish her a horrible life but I am not angry enough to destroy my life by ending hers.

You have to play the game, learn what they want to hear you say and then say it. They want to hear you take responsibility for anther's actions against my family and accept that it's my fault this all has happened. This really makes me laugh because I often ask myself, when will the State take responsibility for all the children who have died by their hand, and all the families destroyed by their hand. When will they stop playing god with the lives of innocent people? They want me to take responsibility but when are they going to do the same thing?

I have decided to dedicate my life to helping others so my fight won't be in vain. What I learn I will indeed share on this blog. During my time with the state I have found so many people trying to connect with others going through the same thing they are but often find these groups get a few hundred people in them and then fizzle out. I want to make a group that people can join and hopefully will result in uniting people who will stand against the state to make change happen.

Due to this the state decided my kids only should see me 2 hours a month and their entire summer was blown to hell as it was spent doing nothing and being bored, not to mention my oldest daughter was not permitted to have a Sweet 16 birthday party and nobody cares. This makes me angry because she DESERVES to have a sweet 16 party. For now we just play the game and use 600+ minuets a month of mobile to mobile talking to them on the phone. It's rather funny when my daughter calls me up to ask me things like, "mom how do you make garlic toast"? and "mom what should I eat today"? It seems she is now a borderline diabetic and has no idea what she is allowed to have. Some days they call me up and are fighting and I have to make them put the phone on speaker phone and break up the fight and get them settled down. That also makes me laugh because here now my kids spend every single day alone, and without the caregiver due to her working and this is ok? Yet with me they were supervised 24 hours a day and never left alone to fend for themselves.

This week our phone chats have been good, no fights between the girls but my sister and I went at it head to head. I always felt she was a pretty good person but now seem to have uncovered something I was not aware of. She is a compulsive liar and I confronted her on this yesterday and she claims to be in therapy for it. She actually had nerve to ask me why I felt her and my mother were out to get me and claimed I was paranoid but in fact I am anything but. When I confronted her about her little stunt of telling her own child, my niece not to call me when she went into labor, she actually tried to claim that it was her child who said that and not her. Naturally this is just another lie and when I asked my niece about this she confirmed it was her mother who was so worried about my having a relationship with her expecting grand baby that she would be concerning herself with who her child calls when she goes into labor.

I heard about this before the baby was born and I told the person who told me, which was naturally one of my own children who overhead this, that I hoped my niece did not call her own mother for that. Little did I know at the time, the exact moment I said that my niece was in labor and sure enough thought so little of her own mother, the woman who has my kids that she did not call her till the baby was several hours old. Needless to say I was overjoyed and gloated but when my sister called me so upset over it I offered up some false sympathy while enjoying her pain. I guess that makes me a sadist but as far as I am concerned she totally deserved it. What really upset me about this was that my niece was not going to allow her own mother to give her a baby shower but because I interfered and managed to convince my niece to allow her mother to give her a shower, my sister was able to have the baby shower and the way she shows her appreciation for this is to try to convince my niece not to contact me when she went into labor. My niece had her baby back in June and I have no plans to ever see this baby because it's not worth the stress and drama that that child is going to have to live with. If you ask me the state needs to step in now and spend every single day in chat child's life while grown people fight over it and rip the poor boy apart. I love my niece but this is once child who does not stand a chance with so much hate in that family.

My sister is also very racist and I once had kids who respected all races, and now one is calling Mexicans "beaners" and blacks "niggers" which really pisses me off. If I say anything to my sister about this, her reaction is to punish my kids and take her frustrations out on them so I learn to keep my mouth shut as much as possible to keep my kids from being mentally abused by her vindictive ways. She has told my oldest daughter that she hated her and when my daughter asked her what she could do to change that, my sister tells my daughter " get your head out of your mothers ass". I guess I am the bad one here but I would never abandon my children and I would never choose a man over my own children. My sister has done just this.

Since these new allegations the State tried to actually recommended sexual predator classes and only after I told them that if they put me in a class room with sexual predators that someone would die that they changed their mind about this kind of class for me. What are they thinking trying to take a woman who was sexually abused her whole childhood and putting her in a class with abusers? The allegations were that I had my children in adult chat rooms talking to men in these rooms which was false as it can be. These allegations have no merit and have not been proven and I will take a lie detector test to prove I have never and would never do such things. I was sexually abused myself from the time I was 3 till I was 15 and then later turned in my abuser to the police. My case was the first sexual abuse case to hit the paper in the town I grew up in. I can only hope that resulted in more people coming out and taking a stand. I have spent the past 13 years of my life single to keep men as far away from my kids as I can. I feel like I gave up my own happiness out of fear that something would happen to my daughters so I would never allow anything like this to happen. My case worker later decides that I must take a parenting class that runs an hour and a half a week over a span of twenty weeks at the cost of twenty dollars per week taking $400 from my pocket. I think this is insulting and parents in need should never have to fork out this kind of money to anyone for classes.

When I was in court while sitting in the hall watching their little TV with all the information on it there were some ads that came up and being the resourceful person I am, I saved some numbers to use later and this day I decide to use these numbers in my search more parenting classes as my goal is to take as many as I can to make sure they can not say that I have not complied with this part of my case plan. Overkill is my goal.
After some time and several referrals that lead to other referrals, I find one that seems to be perfect. I am going to post the information here for anyone who wishes to use this info. The class is under $40 dollars and you must also pay an additional $15 dollars for the work book that comes with the class. It's done in 2 weeks 3.5 hours per day for 3 days each week. This clearly sounds like something I am interested in for a few reasons. One is it's not going to take me 5 months to complete. It will also not be costing me $400 dollars out of my pocket that's better spent on my kids. Best I can gather this is the STEP parenting class. Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP) you can get the handbook below by clicking the image and going to amazon to purchase it. Even if you do not take the class, you can indeed benefit from purchasing this book.

If you wish to find out more about this class, you may contact the following person for additional information.

Hillsbourogh Department of Children's Services
Joann Pressy @ 813-246-3807 Ext 128

If you have young children you may wish to check this book out by the same author.

I hope to post additional information as soon as I have it about other classes that comply with court ordered parenting classes.

Now at this stage my case worker is not happy about my taking the class of my choice and insist it must be approved by her. I however disagree since the one she has approved I have already taken back in 2003 and won't be taking that class again unless it benefits me. My case worker has asked that I send her information about the class so she can approve it and this is just not going to happen. As it stands their case plan has not been approved and they don't even have a hearing in place to get it approved but are planning to request a hearing for the case plan at the judicial review in October.

The way I see things is if they can't get the case plan approved then they don't have the right to tell me that I must report to them what and when I am doing things. Until they get this case plan approved I am under no obligation to notify them of my activities, therefore I have decided that because I want my children back, I will indeed do the case plan and wait till they can get it approved before I start handing them over any documents they request. Some would say I am wrong in this but if the case plan has not been approved by the courts, how can they start demanding my financial statements and work schedule and other very important documents that I don't feel they should have access to. When I have a court order to hand these documents over, only then will I comply.

In the meantime I am on a mission to make resources more available to those of us who are struggling to find them. I am a little tired of the state sending me on wild goose chases to get information we all know they have . I am tired of the stall tactics and won't be playing by the rules when it comes to getting the information that I need. I personally do not feel they should remove children without giving them very extensive information and resources they need, but their way is to dish these things out one by one making sure they let weeks pass in between referrals. I have decided to take as many parenting classes as I can between now and the hearing in October and set out to find them. I started back with square one and began calling the same people I got the original referral for only this time decided it best to lie about my intentions feeling they would be more willing to help me and it was very effective. I told them I was a member of several groups of women who have gone through some tough times in life and had a very hard time finding resources to help them with their problems. I was then refereed to one of the case workers who actually works on my case. I recognised her voice the second she answered the phone but since her and I had never spoke on the phone I softened my voice and began my story and asked her if she had a book of resources that would benefit the women I was here to help. She was very fast to ask me if I have an open case plan and since my case plan has not been activated by a judge I did not lie when I told her no I did not. Then she stated that if I did have an active case plan they would have to refer me to the resources and again I stated that I did not have a case plan so she let her guard down and told me that they have a resource guide they use to refer their clients from. I asked her if there was any way possible for me to get a copy of this guide and she gave me a number to call for a copy. Feeling a bit excited I call the number and make my request but as usual this was just an answering line and I was given yet another number to call. I call this number and after a 10 min discussion I am told that there are in fact 2 guides. One big as a phone book and the other smaller just for hillsbourogh county and she ask me which one I want. I then tell her I want both so tomorrow I am going to pick up this resource that seems to be available to so few people.

I am going to update you on this information and where you can get it for yourself as soon as I make sure I have my hands on it.

Wish me luck, I have a feeling if they find out who I am, or why I want this guide they won't hand it over to me so fingers crossed, for tomorrow I am going to town.

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