AGE~ 16Employment~ Currently employed making 12 dollars per hour
Dreams~ To one day become a crime scene investigator
Jessica has read every harry potter book several times and is almost done with the last book. I am sure, knowing my daughter as I do when she is done with the last book she will read them all in sequence starting with the first book and finishing with the last. If there is ever a game show of Harry Potter trivia there is no doubt Jessica would come out the winner.
Jessica worked as school patrol for several years, and has spent her time helping others. She volunteered with handicap children in her school and loves animals. She plays the trumpet and was given a Superior rating by judges who were impressed with her. She scored a perfect 6.0 on the Florida writes test and was one of the very few kids in her school to do this. She understands the importance of a good education as I began speaking of this very thing when she was just three years old. My oldest daughter has been my rock in a very difficult time and her support and love for me, her sisters and others often makes me wonder how I managed to get so lucky to be blessed with her in my life. This beautiful, creative, talented, caring, compassionate, loving, respectful, genuine, remarkable and unique young woman is so very special to me and so many others that I want to share her with you.
Jessica should you ever see this post, I want you to know how much I appreciate who you have become and I ask that you never let anyone change you as I have allowed people to change me. I am sorry for allowing this system to take 4 years of your life.
Remember what I keep telling you Jessica.
The best revenge is your success
Keep your nose in those books and that head on your shoulders use this experience to make change for others.
I knew when I was just 12 what your name would be, Jessica after my cousin who was called by her nick name Jessie. I loved that nickname and wished I had a nick name but what nick name goes with Tammy? I had no idea but I would sit back and wonder long before her birth who this little girl would be. Today I look at her and her spirit is so gentle, her concern and compassion for others far surpasses my hopes for her. Her thoughtful ways and her love for her me and others make me proud to say Jessica is my daughter. She is my child, she will go far in this life. She will not become bitter and she will shine just as bright tomorrow as she shines today. Today she lives with my sister and her husband. They are not the nicest people and in fact have done much to try to ruin my relationship with my daughters. Slandering me and telling her that they wished I was dead and out of her life. I was fooled into thinking that my sister actually cared for me. I have loved her my whole life and never in a million years had someone told me that my sister would be saying some of the things she is saying about me today would I ever have believed it. According to her I am the worst thing my daughters could ask for in a mother. I am this despicable manipulating vicious person who is not worthy to be their. My beautiful Jessica smart beyond her years trust in my love for her and holds her contempt for her aunt deep inside of her.
The real truth is that my sister's own child who is now 21 and just had a baby thinks so little of her mother that even though she lives less than ten miles from her mother, she did not call her own mother to tell her that she was going into labor with my sisters first grand child. None of this matters to the state, they do not see the emotional abuse that the children must endure each day. When my sisters husband had open heart surgery they came home and told my daughters it was their fault that he had to have surgery, nevermind the fact that the man is obese, diabetic and an x drug user and dealer who done time for his crime and is a felon who has never had children of his own. Nevermind that it was because of this man that my sister kicked her own daughter out and told her to go live with her grandmother not long after she had been raped at knife point at the innocent age of 13. Any woman who would abandon her own child for a man is not worthy to be called mother and yet this woman has my daughters and and I can do is tell my daughter to not disrespect or provoke her. I tell my daughter that if she would send her own flesh and blood away she will indeed send my child away.
At all cost don't disrespect your aunt is what I tell her, for the threats she gets very often of being separated from her sisters and sent back to the state is real and used to manipulate and control her. I am no fool and have made sure that she has a list of contact numbers of people I have asked to do whatever it takes to get her should she call. I will make it no secret that my concern is for my child and should anything happen and should my sister go through with her threats that my daughter will not spend a single day in foster care.
These are the writings of a mad woman, a mother in fear for the lives of her children and I assure anyone who reads this that there is a plan in place and I have so many people who love my family they will do what it takes to help me protect them.
Right now I must play the game, wait it out and dance all because they say so. I do it to maintain contact with my daughters, I do it to protect them, and I do it because I want my family returned to me so I can get the hell out of this god forsaken state because no way in hell will my grand children be raised here simply because this state has forsaken me on so many levels. Hear my story before you judge me. I am only mad in the eyes of others, I should be mad, I should be downright insane, I should be all the things they wish I was. I should have turned to alcohol and drugs years ago and often I feel I should be dead because I am a survivor of horrific child abuse and mollestation that could have been prevented. No I do not feel the world is out to get me, I am just angry that they judge me, yet do not know me. They condemn me without a trial. They throw me into a system with attorneys who advise me not to fight. They break your spirit, dictate what you must do to become a mother and I am fed up. This beautiful girl has the right to have access to her parents and in this case since her father has passed away I am all she has, who can love her more than her own mother? Who will care more than the woman who god trusted to care for her? If god has faith in me, then I must have faith in myself. I do not intend to mislead for I am not a religious woman but I do have a very close spiritual relationship with god. I however do not attend any church for I live on faith that trusting in him will give my family the happy ending that we so very much deserve.
This state was to be the home of generations to come but now my plans are to make sure that the State of Florida does not forsake my grandchildren has it has forsaken myself and my children.
I dedicate this blog to my late husband, the father of all my children
Samuel Doyle Toole